» Projects » Terminated

  • Fajr Petrochemical Complex

  • Petrochemical Economic Special Zone

  • Fanavaran Petrochemical Complex

  • Ghadir Petrochemical Complex

  • Doosty Dam

  • Khoda Afarin Dam

  • Cheshmeh Sarab Dam

  • Karoon Petrochemical Complex

  • Chashamandaz Ramsar

  • Rejal Petrochemical Complex


Plans and Projects List

Shiraz Metro Line 1 From Golesorkh to Janbazan [ More... ]
Zagros Tunnel [ More... ]
Producing and Driving Of Precast Concrete Piles [ More... ]
Residetial & Commercial Building [ More... ]
Producing and Driving of Precast Concrete Piles [ More... ]
Drilling & Grouting Curtain [ More... ]
Drilling & Grouting Curtain [ More... ]
Drilling & Grouting Curtain [ More... ]
Producing and Driving of Precast Concrete Piles [ More... ]
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